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Pupil Premium

Background Information

 Beaupre is committed to ensuring all pupils achieve their full potential. Vulnerable pupils need additional support in order to reach their full potential. This is supported via the Pupil Premium fund. The ‘Pupil Premium’ is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding. It is allocated according to: the number of pupils on roll who are or have been eligible for free school meals in the past six years; an allocation for each pupil who is currently or has previously been ‘looked after’ (in the care of the local authority); and a smaller amount allocated according to the number of children of service families. Free school meals are not funded by the Pupil Premium.

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. However, schools are held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from potentially disadvantaged social backgrounds.

How Pupil Premium funding is used

 Pupil premium funding is used to continue our aim to ensure that every disadvantaged child achieves their full potential, makes at least expected progress and has fair access to opportunities to experience a broad curriculum, which engages, motivates and develops their wellbeing.

At Beaupre Community Primary School, pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals (including the more able). Not all children eligible for the pupil premium will be in receipt of interventions at one time. 

At Beaupre 44% of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are also eligible for pupil premium funding. Therefore, a proportion of our expenditure is allocated to support interventions from teaching assistants and our specialist pupil premium practitioner.

Pupil Premium Practitioner

 The Pupil Premium Practitioner role has been in place at Beaupre since 2014. Our Pupil Premium Practitioner is Mrs Wardill. The role of the Pupil Premium Practitioner is to work, in partnership with class teachers and senior leaders, to provide focused teaching, as required, to pupils receiving the Pupil Premium Grant. This is in addition to high quality teaching and may take the form of classroom support or specific individual teaching of particular areas of learning. The pupils for focus are decided at each pupil progress meeting through teacher’s ongoing assessments to address needs.

The Pupil Premium Practitioner also maintains records, which track the use of the Pupil Premium Grant, the support provided to pupils receiving the pupil premium and the progress of these pupils through data analysis. The Pupil Premium Practitioner works with teachers to advise on strategies, to remove barriers to learning and support individual needs to narrow the gap or extend learning. Where needed, she also works with outside agencies, such as in Team Around Families, to ensure appropriate provision and support is in place in school and at home.

Measuring Impact and reporting about Pupil Premium

 Class teachers carry out regular assessments to inform their teaching and provision mapping for individual pupils. Provision maps are evaluated to measure impact of specific actions, such as interventions, alongside the PP Practitioner. Each half term, teachers meet with the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and PP Practitioner for pupil progress meetings, where knowledge of age-related expectations and expected progress is used to consider the impact of pupil premium related interventions and provision. Progress of PP pupils is a focus every half term, while progress of the cohort is considered termly. Rigorous questioning focuses on barriers to learning and what actions are needed to overcome these barriers.

In addition to collection and analysis of data, including pupil progress and attainment, a survey is carried out each year to gather the views of parents of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding and establish qualitative impact. The school will evaluate overall impact of pupil premium provision at the end of the academic year and a report will be published on the school website.